Healthy is hard sometimes

Let’s face it, people. Changing a lifetime of bad eating habits is no laughing matter. This is serious business and it’s tough as hell. It’s totally going to be worth it once I have these new habits in place. In the meantime? Ugh.

Yesterday I did well for breakfast and lunch. Breakfast was a small smoothie (spinach, avocado, strawberries, blueberries, banana, blueberry/pomegranate juice and almond milk), one egg and cheese breakfast taco and a cup of coffee. For lunch, I had a beautiful salad (spinach, tomato, mushroom, radish, zucchini and sunflower seeds), 1 cup of cold quinoa and a small coconut water. Then came dinner…

When I decided to start this challenge on Friday, April 16th, I forgot we had tickets to a Springfield Cardinals game. I also forgot that after being at school until 4 PM, I had a client at 4:15 which meant I didn’t have time to go home and eat. I also had no way to bring something healthy to eat after my appointment. Crap. By the time I got to Hammons Field at 6 PM, I was so hungry. So, I cheated and got nachos. The thought of eating processed cheese was, to me, way less nauseating than eating a hot dog, brat or hamburger. Blech.
After the game, we went to Ruby Tuesday’s and I ordered their bison burger. Still not the best choice, but one I can live with.

Today I had:
Breakfast: 1 egg, spinach, tomato and avocado on an Ezekial english muffin, 2 cups coffee (I had a 9 AM meeting and that 2nd cup was vital).
Lunch: A cup of orange lentil soup and the Mediterranean platter from Tea Bar and Bites. The Med platter has become my go-to when I’m at work because it provides me the energy I need to get through a full work day without being too heavy. The platter is pita with hummus, tziki and olive tapenade. Delicious!
Dinner: Fail. Veggie pizza from Pizza Hut. I definitely had a choice here. But I let the events of the day get to me and opted for comfort over smart. I’ll regret this tomorrow when I go out for a run. Yes, I know these things before that pizza touches my lips. No, I do not change my mind.

Tomorrow is another day. I’m honestly pretty happy with the fact that 4 out of my last 6 meals have been healthy. I can’t spend so much time beating myself up over my diet. I have too many other things to do.

  1. Bobby said:

    Small steps. It’s never going to be a home run out of the gate 🙂 just keep at it 🙂

  2. holisticguru said:

    You’re doing really well so far! Stop focusing on what you did… instead think “what can I do RIGHT NOW to be healthy?” Maybe that’s drinking a glass of water, going for a run, or going to the grocery store to buy some fruits/veggies. Every little bit counts. 4 meals out of 6 is incredible. You’re rocking this 🙂

  3. amienickel said:

    Thanks you guys! 🙂

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